SICSA students and visiting students from Lund University/Industrial Design program (Sweden) presented their projects in the COAD atrium on December 7th and 8th of 2021. It was a wonderful opportunity to present and discuss projects live after almost two years of strictly virtual events around the globe! SICSA students projects included:
December 7th
- LEO-ov: The Low Earth Orbit Operations Vehicle (LEO-ov)is a commercial space operations and research station that harmoniously incorporatesboth working astronauts and commercial guests. Pranita Khedkar & Ed Kneeland
- LunaPort: a lunar habitation module that enables a crew of four astronauts to conduct ISRU research and test inflatable surface habitat technology during a 14 day mission near Shackleton crater. Patrick Lambeth, Krystofer Dudzinski, Ayush Khandelwal
- Sustainabuilt Lunar Homestead: Lunar base that provides the foundation for a long-lasting presence on the moon by utilizing a sustainable architecture that ushers in humanity’s next giant leap. Josh Kivijarv, Adam Doll, Terrence Brown
- Barcelunar - An architectural approach for an economically viable lunar volatiles harvesting outpost. Veronica Pesenti, Hannah Seymour, Chad Hobson, Ricardo Miguel
December 8th
- Integration of intelligent health monitoring systems into inflatable structures, Jasleen Kaur
Asteroid Interaction Pathways: Evaluating concepts of direct contact interaction, Richard Spolzino
- Evaluating Efficacy of VR Technology As A Validation Method For Spacecraft Habitat Design, Osaid Sasi
- Extra-terrestrial Lava Tubes Exploration: Mission Architecture for Tele-operated Robotic Exploration of Surface Geological Formations on the Moon and Mars, Gerardo Cambronero